Tips on How to Stay Unaffected by Grass Pollen
May 31, 2022

Seasonal Allergies: Grasses

We may not think of pollen when it comes to grasses, however, these plants also exude small pollen particles and they can cause allergies. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your summer, unaffected by pollen grass. 

  1. Limit your time outside when the pollen count for grasses is high. You can check the daily count on STAAMPs website and social media. 
  2. Keep the lawn short. When mowing your grass, use a mask and wear a hat to reduce your exposure to pollen. 
  3. Keep doors and windows closed during high pollen counts days. If you use the air conditioner, make sure the filters are certified. 
  4. Keep pollen out by changing clothes, bathing, and washing your hair before bedtime. 
  5. Wash bedding in hot soapy water once a week. Use hypoallergenic detergent if you have sensitive skin. 
  6. Wear long pants if you’ll be in contact with grasses. 
  7. Dry your clothes in a dryer instead of outdoors.
  8. Wipe off your pets with a towel when they come inside the house. Avoid having them on the bed and couches. 
  9. Remove shoes when entering your home and vacuum your floors at least once a week. 


If you continue to have allergy symptoms even with all your precautions, contact our staff at STAAMP and our providers will help find the right treatment for you.

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